Fitness Consulting
What is it?
A product of fitness consulting and exercise discipleship regimen/program to improve knowledge and level of fitness.
Who is it for?
Anyone who wants to improve their current level of fitness/wellness but doesn’t know how or where.
How does it work?
Initially, there will be a consultation to assess a persons current level of fitness and environment in which you desire to exercise. Next, a specific 8 week regimen at 5 days per week will be programmed to fit your unique needs.
A second follow up appointment will be scheduled to implement your regimen, and to ensure good understanding of programming/movements with coaching.
There will be a scheduled phone call or email each week to improve accountability and problem solving/strategies for regimen. There is a final meeting at the end of 8 weeks for follow up to conclude program for final measures and future planning.

Why do I need to coach?
Each of us have different areas of knowledge and understanding. Let us assess where you're at physically and mentally in regards to exercise!
Trust and confidence is established through starting a professional relationship with a coach. We live in a society of social media stardom along with fad diets and quick fix exercise; it is time to return to the basics of knowledge through relationship.

Who will be my coach?
Dr. Lambeth, our therapist also has a strength and conditioning certification. He will take off his hat as therapist and become your fitness consultant to help you meet your goals. This is an important part of taking care of yourself and prevent need for future rehabilitation from an injury.